Massage is a work to alleviate pain, relieve stress, and improve the health and well being of the clients by the mobilization of the soft tissue including skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue.
Massage therapy is defined as the manual manipulation or mobilization to affect normalization of the soft tissue of the human body.

-by : Keith Warren, Alabama Board of Massage Therapy 


Luxuriate in comfort as professional hands knead at tired muscles and soothe knotted tension away. A body rub is always value for money for those who desire for the peace and serenity. Most Asians have perfected the art of massage and here is no exception. There are various massages with differing techniques used, but whatever you choose, the expert hands of the masseur will have you completely relaxed in no time.


Dengan menggunakan tangan, tukang urut melegakan ketegangan otot-otot dan urat-urat yang lesu dari seharian bekerja. Kerja mengurut menjadi kebiasaan bagi mereka yang inginkan keselesaan. Kebanyakan orang Asia kini meningkatkan mutu seni mengurut. Semua ini adalah dari pelbagai variasi dan teknik urutan, walaubagaimanapun, semua ini terpulang dari pilihan anda sendiri, dengan tangan tukang urut, anda akan merasa tenang dalam sepintas masa.


The ancient Egyptians used it, so did the Chinese, Italians and Indians. Aromatherapy has been around for a long time and involves using essential oils of plants - seeds, bark, stem, blossoms, resins and leaves - that are combined with certain "carrier oils" to use in a massage. Aromatherapy works when the oils are ingested or inhaled, and the healing properties of different oils either stimulate or calm the body.

Aromatherapy treatments include massages, facials, body wraps, baths, inhalations and compresses


Orang Mesir purba, tabib Cina, dan guru India mengunakan teknik aromaterapi ini. Teknik ini berkait rapat dengan penggunaan bahan dari biji benih, akar kayu, putik bunga, dedaun dan pelbagai lagi yang menghasilkan minyak. Aromaterapi berfungsi apabila minyak ini diwapkan dan dihidu, dengan ini bauan yang pelbagai, sesetengah dari ia dapat mengaktifkan atau menenangkan badan.

Teknik aromaterapi termasuk urutan badan, urutan muka, bungkusan badan, mandian, bauan dan pelbagai yang melibatkan hidu.

 The Effects of Massage

Although a single massage will be enjoyable, the effects of massage are cumulative and a course of massage treatments will bring the most benefits. Regular massage can have the effect of strengthening and toning the entire body mechanism, and so help to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries that might otherwise occur due to excess tension and any resulting structural weaknesses. Massage can stimulate or calm the nervous system-depending upon what is required by the individual-and thus help reduce fatigue, leaving the reciever with a feeling of replenished energy. At its best, massage has the potential to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually.

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